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Analytical Psychotherapy

Analysis in the psychoanalytic / developmental tradition in the UK

The field of analytical psychotherapy  integrates  insights from psychoanalysis and other related fields to form a well-grounded and established method of psychotherapy in the UK and internationally . At its heart is the proposition that, fundamentally, suffering is a communication from some conflicted parts of the personality that we should pay attention to, understand and integrate so that we can be free of troubling symptoms such as depression, anxiety, long-standing emotional and relationship difficulties.


A  psychotherapist has trained for many years in understanding the interplay of the conscious mind (what we know to be true about ourselves, our ordinary thoughts and beliefs) and the unconscious (what another part of our self might feel, or what a symptom might be communicating). Through the careful paying of attention, and through the ongoing relationship with the therapist, different ways of relating and being can emerge which leave the individual feeling more whole, integrated and free of troubling symptoms of depression, anxiety etc. 


Longer term psychotherapy


Analytical psychotherapy offers an open ended relationship in which deeper thoughts, feelings and ways of relating  can be examined, understood and ultimately changed. Sessions are weekly and last 5o minutes. Some people  also find it helpful to have more than one session of therapy per week so that they can do depth work and feel safe and contained in a relationship and space where this can unfold in its own time. 

© 2017 by Heather McCartney

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